Few questions have engendered so great a debate as "Can I be LGBTQ and a Christian?"
"While you were in your mother's womb, I knew you." (Jeremiah 1:5)
The idea that sexual orientation is somehow a choice which is made is one which has been largely debunked. The vast majority of studies and scholars agree that sexuality is an innate part of us, and not a choice which is made. While many attempts have been made to alter people orientations, there is no evidence to show any success, and much evidence to show that attempting to do so is actually phychologically and emotionally damaging to those who undergo it.
For years "ex-gay ministries" have taught homosexuality is an abberation of God's perfect design, and inherently sinful, and that through intensive prayer and deliverance, one could "pray the gay away." In 2013, Exodus International, the largest of these "ministries" finally shut down. The president of Exodus International, Alan Chambers, publically apologized and stated, "“I never saw one of our members or other Exodus leaders or other Exodus members become heterosexual, so deep down I knew that it wasn’t true.”
The reality is that God knew you when He made you. He loves you infinitly just as you are and will accept you into His family just as you are!
Follow the links below for Biblical information on this topic.
Saved and Gay YouTube Playlist
This playlist contains 6 one hour teaching sessions as we examined the Scripures often pulled from their Biblical and historical context to condemn the LGBTQ community.
The Reformation Project
The Reformation Project website lays out a clear Biblical case for the radical love of God for ALL PEOPLE, including those who identify as LGBTQ.
The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality
Matthew Vines is the author of God and The Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same Sex Relationships. This link will provide an extensive Biblical resource on the topic of reconciling homosexuality with the Bible.